squinney wrote:You'd probably know better than me, just because I've led a fairly sheltered life regarding criminals, but would a criminal / theif / child molester, etc WANT to have their picture taken? I mean, do you really think they would come to you as customers?
this kind of made me chuckle.. but I see your point.
They do have family. And like most families probably have, or might want to have' a picture of all of them together. If they want it professionally, or are able to do it themselves is a diffrent question.
I stay enough to myself that I dont get alot of questions about me, my husband ,my work, or anything.
The only ones we are actually close with are the couple that moved in right next door.
Love em.

I would, without a single hesitation, give them a photosession.
But, the guy in the other building, is making me feel wierd.
And he is
just as honest and polite from what I can tell..
So I think what is coming out of me is that I feel like I am being more judgemental then I need to be. And that makes me uncomfortable.
I hate feeling that way about the people I live next to but.. well.. they are what they are. And what they are makes it a bit unsafe.
Maybe I could refer him to Sears and tell him that Sears is cheaper then I am, and at a rate I cant even match.. ( Sears right now is at 49.99 for ten gazillion prints of the same photo )