Letty - that little verse is the key to a 'you know you're tired when' anecdote. About six or seven years ago, a co-worker and I were in the office quite late on a Friday night. Simone came over to my desk, nearly in tears - could I please help her? Well, sure. She wanted to know if I knew the song you referenced. Mmm, i guess so. And did I know how to count it out on my knuckles? o.k. Great!
Simone grabbed a pencil and a pad of paper and had me count the verse out on my knuckles while she wrote down the numbers.
? o.k. Then she added them all up.
It seems Simone's brain had melted a few hours earlier, and this was the only way she could figure out how many days there were in a year.
Two university-educated, decently paid professionals. One set of knuckles. One pencil. One pad of paper. One camp song. You too can determine how many days in a year. OY!