Fri 9 Nov, 2007 11:56 pm
what is the exact difference between a bird song and whistle?
The difference between birdsong (one word) and whistles is that the sound we call a whistle is a sound made by humans in their mouths, while the sound we call birdsong is made in an organ that only birds have, called the syrinx.
Welcome to A2K.
The usual terms for birds' calls: "song", "trill", "whistle" and suchlike were probably coined by poets rather than scientists.
Furthermore words that might describe a "chick-a-dee-dee-dee" are conspicuously lacking in describing "kaa kaa kaa".
Your "song" might be another man's "whistle"--or even a "clucking" or a "croak".
Little buggers also do falling trees. Frightene the crap out of you in the bush.