I use several, from RHEL to Debian. No dig taken. I was tinkering with VB today but I am not much of a programmer. Plan to be though.
IMO slack 0wnz all but BSD is great too...they all have there ups and downs.
Yeah, redhat is on a down and I've been considering BSD. In any case I care more about the NIC than the distro so I'm flexible with what their techies are familiar with.
Craven de Kere wrote:Yeah, I design sites so I often use multiple platforms for testing. I like IE's rendering despite the bloatware elements and the lack of tabbed windows.
My personal feelings regarding rendering as well. Not because of VB or Flash in my case either.
peterduce wrote:The Google toolbar is well known to contain spyware. Google says it's to make searching easier and more relevant for each individual.
Craven de Kere wrote:You can turn the "spyware" features on and off. These claims are overrated by paranoid minds.
Not only can you turn the useful features some consider spyware on & off, but google asks whether you want to install with those features enabled or not.
And lastly it's not spyware. ;-) Agreggate data like that mirrors use patterns that they can get simply from users searching their site, Alexa, big ISPs etc.
to bw spyware you must be unaware it exists they document it well and even give the option to turn it off. They are not spying at all.
I just want to add my one complaint about Mozilla -- the scroll wheel on my mouse doesn't work as efficiently as it does with IE. For Example, here on A2K, if I'm writing a response and then want to scroll up and re-read something, I have to actually click on the main window for my wheel to work and then click back on the posting window for it to work. I can't just place my cursor above it. The same thing with other sites.
BUT, for the convenience of absolutely no pop-ups at all, I'm willing to pay the price of having to pretend I have an old-fashioned mouse.
my scroll wheel works fine with the new mozilla no clicking needed.
Really? hmmmm...do you have a microsoft mouse?
nope lol Labtech optical mouse
heehee...there you go. Well, I need a new mouse anyway.
so you kids know of a flavor of unix that supports a lot of wireless pcmcia cards? i used to have mandrake, but it doesn't support my card... and freebsd doesn't either. though, i suppose i could just get a new one.
oh, and to whomever started this thread, i'm thinking that you mostly likely downloaded the "save" or "gator" programs. i did it accidentally once and had the same problems. if you go to the task manager, you should see the "save now" or "save" process... kill it, delete it and the pop ups will end.