Diest TKO wrote:mysteryman wrote:Quote:Relavance? Doesn't the answer to that question speak directly to the executive branch's decisions, and not Obama's?
The only answer can be that he fulfilled his duty and others may chose to or not.
Actually, it is relevant.
If Obama cant get enough support from others in the legislative branch to get his bills out of committee, or cant muster enough votes to get his bills passed, that says much about his ability to make deals and to work with the other side.
In other words, compromise.
Ah, I see the question. My apologies. Beyond the few listed above from his first year in the senate, I'd have to look more into it.
What do you concider a high number of laws to be passed in a year? What number demonstrates the comprimise you are looking for?
Obama sponsored 129 bills since Jan 4, 2005, of which 120 (93%) haven't made it out of committee and 1 were successfully enacted.
(or .33 bills enacted per year, )
McCain sponsored 403 bills since Jan 21, 1997, of which 263 (65%) haven't made it out of committee and 12 were successfully enacted
(or 1.09 bills enacted per year)
Clinton sponsored 356 bills since Jan 22, 2001, of which 309 (87%) haven't made it out of committee and 2 were successfully enacted
(or .286 bills enacted per year)
Draw your own conclusions, but I wouldn't say that anyone has anything to be bragging about.
MM's contention that one must have their bills enacted to be deemed successful or to be regarded as an effective senator is but a red herring designed to make Obama look like the impotent senator....unable to compromise, or make deals.
None of the 3 are real stand-outs.