I can't decide if thats freaky or classy.
freaky classy.
Wow osso, great picture.
I think there's something like that at the campus at UT....I've have to look.
Yeah, I was thinking of that one, but also, this.....
I think I'm combining them in my mind.
Aren't these "Aquatic Demons" holding horses tails or something?
Aquatic demons on mer-horses.
Columbia up above holding????
She's holding one of those Swifter dusters drewdad....duh.....
Shes the goddess of Domestica and her husband is all feed, washed up and ready to go to work but she accidently gave him one of her old belts from the 80's.
Whats up with that belt.
this one has less freaky hair....though the unicorn doesn't seem to care. he's scared for his life or maybe jus wants his bong back.
That photo goes well with your sigline, Dag. I'm not sure how, exactly, but it just seems to...fit.
Ha. I would make it my avatar, but i'm kinda married to the firey photo.
Dag has begun to show her dark side. I remember her as a precocious child, new to the site, yet absorbing everything and shedding a aura of light and goodness in her responses. And then a dark cloud emerged on the horizon.
Her posts contained more blood, more impaled unicorns. We all sat, with bated breath, and prayed that the good child would return. But, alas, she didn't, and we entered the age of darkness, ruled by the princess of the dark post... the evil queen of treacherous prose.
And we remain her servants.
The pink unicorn is the symbol for the female and the teddy bear is the man. Notice the female has the phalic symbol. That is because the dude is always gettng screwed by the fantasy of a cool chick.
But in the end BAM! your dead! impaled by a unicorn.
Hangout at rest stops and airport bathrooms instead.
see? who's gonna listen to you, amigo? not even gus. Mins like to..um...get impaled by pink unicorns. yes they do.
Dag, might I add that the fire and brimstone behind your head is acting in a particularly robust fashion tonight and I am beginning to exhibit signs of excitement.
Please forgive me for my lustful thoughts for I know not what I am doing.
<kneels and prays to statue of the queen of abstinence, littlek>