Fri 12 Oct, 2007 01:40 pm
Drawing competition?
I want Osso to go first.
I saw this, and punted...
amigo, il mio chihuahua, how are you, babe?
Well, as a flitting post...
I once did a design in school. A class I got a in and so what, I think there were two of us that sentiently got As, while I might have had a philosophic contretemps with the teacher, but who knew at the time.
I did a piazza design that involved a small pool, (this was in the first real land design class, still way conceptual) and planted a unicorn by the pool.
I think I've thrown out the paperwork, but the negs had something to do with me not understanding the city and the nature of the (gag) corporate buildings.
A few years after that, somewhere in Texas, horses galloped across a plaza.
Well, that was good. I enjoyed that that got built.
Really, the city is of all of us.
The trouble is, meetings are thickets. Jargon can be
a morass. When one explores it, sympathies vary. It's a complicated subject, and I'm not expert.
Still, from my pov, I'm so glad people are even talking.
Hey, city design is alive. I wish more would be interested.
And, I'm not a unicorn fan. I had something like two hours in the middle of the night to work that up....
But I do not hate, figuration in plazas.
brings in a thong and a scarf
in case the wizard notices a breeze
serious jolt
mythical colt
would be interesting to see which had the greatest length and girth... in a really disgusting and deviant way o' course...
"Naked black Wizard holding a bong and riding a Unicorn...."
I think T-Rex (Marc Bolan) did a few songs along this line in the mid-70s.
Last night I had a crazy dream about a chick in a black bikini. She looked so good she couldn't be real. She must be a magic genie.
2PacksAday wrote:Drawing competition?
I want Osso to go first.
Hey, Thats an idea
Naked black Wizard holding a bong and riding a Unicorn....FIGHTING A PUMA!!!.......with Kris Kristpherson on it playing a flying V guitar.
A Modern art masterpeice I tell you!!!
The public won't know what hit them. Left and right wing pundits will fly into an uproar.
Kris Kristofferson...hell of a name my music files I have about 15 different spellings of his name...too lazy to fix them.
Did you just pick him at random, or did you recognize my avatar as Kris.
I need to get something straight you mean "black" as the dark arts and stuff....or do you mean a naked black dude...or both.
I recognized your avatar and Kris is a great and unrecognized guitar player.
I mean a black dude.
We were camping, drinking and painting. We were (or I was, I'm the comedian of the group) trying to think of the oddest painting we could think of because other campers were already looking at us strange and I came up with this.
I'm thinking of actually doing it.
Then it can be made a mural on a plaza in Texas...

You can represent me as a premeir Avant-garde artist. When they say;
"My god what the hell is that"
You can say;
"He's a highly missunderstood genius"
And then mabey add;
"it's a comentary on the impact of socio-economincs on the Afro-American by unicorns."
Well, here are the mustangs in Irving, Texas -
Alas, I've long ago tossed my unicorn drawing.
Never got around to drawing a native black dude holding a bong. But, I'm young yet..
Used to like Kristofferson, talented fellow.
You could do your mural like the ones at the university in Mexico DF (side of the med school building, I think).
WOW. Now thats a great work....and what a concept!
ossobuco, You bring a little class everywhere you go.
Thanks (sometimes I bring rain...)