Tue 12 Aug, 2003 04:30 am
This may not be a BIG problem, but lately, it is bugging the hell out of me. I am talking about people who:
Send out the same E Mails to a lot of people, and send it so that the recipient can see the E Mail addresses of everyone to whom the E Mail was sent.
Double, triple, and quadruple forward of a message so that the recipient also knows the E Mail addresses of everyone to whom it has been sent, as well as getting a lot of unnecessary extraneous garbage. I recently got something that I literally had to scroll down for five minutes through various forwardings until I got to the one paragraph message, (which was definitely not worth the time and effort). In addition, 56k modem users don't need the hassle to wait for all of that stuff to download.
First, be careful what you send to a lot of people. Unless you are the secretary of an organization who is sending out meeting notices, think first before you send out mass mailings. Most of that kind of stuff that I get is either a joke, or some very corny "feelgood" message, which I can do without.
If you MUST send E mails to multiple people, send it bcc. In that way, everyone won't know the addresses of all your friends. (After all, maybe some of then DON'T want their addresses publicized.)
If you are sending a message that has been forwarded, copy and paste the message only to a clean E Mail, and send it bcc.
Also, if you have gotten a mailing from a friend (as opposed to spam) that promises a get rich quick scheme, a chain letter, or something else that does not feel quite right to you, check it out at It may be an Urban Legend, and all those things do is clog up the internet.
This whole thing started when I recently got an Urban Legend (Bill Gates is tracking your internet surfing, and paying you for clicks) which was quadruple forwarded, and sent with all the names and E Mail addresses showing. To boot, is was not MY friend, but one of my husband's, who should know better!
Rant over. Anybody want to add to it???
Bugs the hell out of me, phoenix. I can guarantee you spammers love these kinds of messages -- 100's of fresh email addresses to add to their mailing lists from just one chain email..
Further, when you get a warm&fuzzy message that commands you relay the warm&fuzzy message to everyone you know, Break the Chain!
Oh hell yeah that's annoying, I BCC people, never CC. Mrs. cav is also driven nuts by that mass e-mail thing, with all the addresses and what-not. These days, I just delete the jokes and corny messages, and I know who these people are, because the can't learn to use BCC!! I am watching....and sharpening my talons....
While we are on the subject, is ANY joke 'that' funny?
cav- When I first got my computer about 5 years ago, I enjoyed the jokes. Now it is a lot of same old, same old. The only time that I ever send a joke now is if it is side splitting funny, which is not often!
Now when someone sends me a joke, I will skim over it, and not really read it. Enough is enough!
Ah yes. Unfortunately, this is all too common a problem these days. Got something recently (dozens of forwards and emails visible for all of them) with the ever-popular "Forward this in the next five minutes or you'll be unlucky in love forever!" Mr. Jespah and I laugh at such things.
I hate when people send me stuff saying that if we are friends they "better get this email back" or some dumb chain.
I usually call them and tell them we aren't friends anymore.
Craven is nicer than I am...I send them an envelope full of anthrax....uh oh....did I just say that?
No I don't, but it is an incredible annoyance.
Yes yes yes!!
I just got in a tiff with my MIL because she sent me (and many others) a stupid stupid email saying that if you own a cell phone you are in danger of exploding when you refuel at the gas station. I followed the links within the email, came to a page that said something like, "If you have come here looking for info on cell phones, that rumor is FALSE" and replied with that url and a nice comment. ("Thanks for thinking of us, though!" or something.)
I hit "reply all" instead of "reply", which was indeed my mistake -- I usually send just to the originator. But first she sicced my BIL on me -- the page I sent was PIE, and the warning came from Shell -- though I'd gotten there from "for more info, see _______" links in the email!! So I took the hint that she was cheesed and apologized to her, and her response made it clear that while she was mad she'll forgive me, this time.
I don't think it's anything I need to apologize for! SHE's the one clogging up my inbox and spreading lies.
<rant over>