I seem to remember this being discussed before, but I can't think of which of four possible forums hosted that discussion, so I'm gonna go ahead:
On the "online dating" thread, Craven said, in part:
Craven de Kere wrote: I never use "in real life". The internet feekin' IS real life. I have the bills to prove it.
I was thinking about that in terms of one of my best friends, who lives in Boston (and introduced me to Abuzz) and who I only see about once every two years. We write emails often, though, probably an average once every two weeks, with spurts of several a day. I still consider her one of my best friends if not my very best friend, even though most of our relationship is online these days. We haven't lived in the same city for about 7 years -- we've known each other for about 14 years. (Though we didn't become good friends until a couple of years after we met.) Is this an "online" relationship or a "IRL" relationship?
Similarly, I really do consider a lot of the people I met online to be friends, without needing an "online" or "IRL" prefix.
I do see a difference between online and IRL, though -- for example, Craven is currently making a website for the committee I'm on (thanks again!) and so he is dealing with people I know... IRL. It's WEIRD.

Guess that could just be a different social circles thing, though. My wedding was also WEIRD for me as all of these wildly different people from my life congregated in one place.
What do you think?