A particular, very selective music listener

Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:11 am
Does anyone have a vary narrow list of songs which resonate with their spirit. I know I have.

"Clocks" by Coldplay, for me, resurrects my childish inner wonder, partially unearths the exhilaration of adventure and paradise.

And "Yellow" by Coldplay, very corny, very simple, but very uplifting if you are a corny person. I indulge in it for I'm seeking that perfect, soul-glued relationship.

And "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace. Now this song has the mixture of hate and love, a blend which awakens a unique feeling of aliveness, of some intangible energy. Just emerging out of adolescence at the age of 20, it, of course, would fit my groove. The mixed feelings and emotions attach to many teens nowadays.

"Take a Picture" by Filter, yes, very corny, and beautiful, and whatever one thinks of it. It does definitely dip into the ocean of my internal world, illuminating the once night ocean bottom, a lover's delight.

"Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera. Okay, I am a male and I am heterosexual, but I still immerse in delight over this song. Every guy has a feminine side, if they let it emerge. Now, I'm not transvestite either, just a typical young man, kinda like the lover boy on American Pie, a high school and college student type of film.
But why does this song liken to my soul? I don't know, because I'm striving to believe I'm beautiful on the outside and in, a beautiful mind. I am considered handsome by most people, but I'm sure I don't exactly measure up to Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp, or maybe I do, don't know.

Anyway, if you read this far, please share your tune candy. I'd love to hear about why people enjoy songs. But of course, you don't want to get too analytical, to involved in your intellect, because the best songs inspire and enlighten our emotional dimension.
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