Diatribe? Isn't a diatribe negative? Did the women hate it too?
Men ALWAYS hate it when you change your hair - if they notice.
I have NEVER had a boyfriend look anything but plaintive and "when will it grow back?" about a new hair do.
Nah, the diatribes were not always negative but they were always diatribes and often involved long debates (between each other, I'd off and buy a drink) about whether I should keep it sort or long.
well, they CARED! heehee....
Yeah, but when I had barnyard experiences to recount the guys "cared" and the wimmin didn't.
Just a matter of interest.
You're a hard man to care for.....
...she muttered darkly....
Why are you wearing your dog on your head?
New hair style? Hey, it makes you look like a wet dog.
I've only said this once. Don't ask.
When? Why? Where? To whom?
"You got a haircut. Nice. Any issue behind it I should know about before I go for lunch?" -mins
What about when it is a new car? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm??????
"Omigod, what happened to your hair? What did they do to you? Well it looks ... it looks like ... (stopping to evaluate their feelings) ... It looks a LOT different! You sure did get a haircut."
Maybe I should be a little more style-conscious myself, contrive some image and audition for the human race (yet again). But with a long ponytail I don't bother hiring anybody, just snip it every couple months while I'm at my desk. It takes about three seconds and then I walk around and ask people if they notice anything different. If they don't, I act very offended and tell them they never notice anything!
It works every time. I don't know what it does, but it works whatever it is.
I'm on the Sugar-ish side on this. I tell the truth, it prevents people from asking for the most part. I'm not going to comment unless someone asks, because I'm unlikely to notice. Setanta had his 'what are those mini ponytails called?' thingie cut off at the barber's last week. I arrived in time to see the barber take a straight razor around the back of his neck. Did I notice the tail-thingie was gone? Nope. It took mrs. hamburger to notice. <<sigh>> I'm very bad.
bad, bad bad bad Bethie - I am bad at noticing the beard/no beard thing on men - unless we are on kissing terms - or unless they have had the thing so long that I have never seen them without it.
years ago, I got contact lenses - and a perm in my longish hair - almost at the same time.
I was in uni at the time - and I was chatting to a group of people by the library, when my beloved (at the time) joined us. He chatted with others for a minute or so, then left - all without acknowledging my presence - I was sort of flabbergasted and not sure how to react, when he turned back in a stunned way, gazing fixedly at my skirt, which, as he pointed out moments later, was the thing he realized meant the new woman in the group was actually ME!
Well, at least he noticed the new hair (which he came to like a lot in a week or so, once used to the shock) and the new eyes!
"Is that topiary, or just a trim?"