Fri 25 Feb, 2011 10:39 am
yesterday on the Opie & Anthony show, comedian Louis C.K. asked Rumsfeld if he was really secretly a lizard person who survives of the blood of children
Rumsfeld dodged the question and told some story about a man who bought him dinner the night before in New York
Louis asked him again a few times to give a simple yes or no answer, stating that people had asked this question a few times and the answer should be out there, Rumsfeld was polite but declined to answer the question each time
so, is Rumsfeld a lizard person, i'm saying yes, until he says otherwise
no, Jim Morrison was a lizard person.
djjd62 wrote:... he was really secretly a lizard person ...
I have scoured the internet and have been able to come up with a acurate depiction of said person!
No, but he looks like Nick Nolte and he's a Kung Fu master
I don't know about lizard, but snake definitely.