Wed 16 Dec, 2009 08:19 am - That does get rid of the smell at the time. But the smell keeps coming back. Sometimes within a few weeks, sometimes in a couple of months. (view)
Tue 15 Dec, 2009 12:42 pm - We never had the smell before the water softner. She has never had the smell and still doesn't.
The anode rod has been removed.
We have had quite a bit of rain, but that is not unusual.... (view)
Tue 15 Dec, 2009 10:19 am - We have done that and it cleared the smell up at that time but the smell keeps on coming back. Sometimes it is a couple of months, sometimes it is a few weeks. We know that it is not the water... (view)
Mon 14 Dec, 2009 04:59 pm - We have a Rain Soft and our water has a Rotten egg/Sulpher smell. It is at every water source that goes through the Rain Soft. If we bypass the Rain Soft, it does not smell anymore. Techs have... (view)