Wed 1 Oct, 2014 01:04 pm - Problem is like that it was really difficult to find the Viscosity of gases with increase in temperature of gases.I'm try to findout the new methods for Viscosity of gases but according to... (view)
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 06:53 am - I think that You cannot clearly understand about that. i cannot say like that.You just considered that on case of heating the gases, cylindrical vessel is not closed ie hole is made on the... (view)
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:32 am - Almost all times, i find that Viscosity of gases is mainly calculated as function of temperature but in all data for Viscosity of gases, pressure is keeping constant or not during changing the... (view)
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 04:33 am - You means field direction.
Simply considered that fluid is flowing on the cylindrical pipe of poiseuillies apparatus. (view)
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 04:29 am - Nowadays, i am studying and analyzing about the Viscosity of gases at different different conditions and situation. So i need the Viscosity of different gases at NTP conditions(=1 atm pressure and... (view)
Fri 29 Aug, 2014 04:08 pm - Are you believe that when fluid flows,firstly fluid forms layers and then flows like assumed by newton on the viscosity concept?.Molecules of fluid have also certain tendency to go randomness even... (view)
Fri 29 Aug, 2014 04:03 pm - Yes, you are also right in your point of view.I am not trying to criticize you but just to explain how frictional force is originated.I think it also be a effect of one of the four forces which are... (view)
Fri 29 Aug, 2014 02:50 am - Furthermore,in physical sense,I clear you that when x=0, y becomes maximum and have to give certain value.But when we put x=0 in this solution , y=0+0/0 and this become can you have... (view)