Wed 16 Nov, 2016 01:21 pm - Also, even if something were to happen where I did have a chance or something, if we kept it t ourselves would that still be inappropriate? I'm just wondering about that. I'm not going to... (view)
Wed 16 Nov, 2016 12:50 pm - So do you think I don't have any chance? We are planning on video chatting tomorrow and I was planning on maybe asking her so what should I talk to her about now? (view)
Wed 16 Nov, 2016 12:45 pm - She's not MY teacher, she's training to be a teacher at some other school, so she's not my teacher...Would she still get in trouble if she's just in the class with me to just... (view)
Wed 16 Nov, 2016 09:10 am - Hi, I'm a girl and I'm almost 17 years old. I like this girl A LOT, more than I've ever liked someone in my life. I'm bisexual and I'm pretty sure she is too. I think she... (view)