Thu 3 Sep, 2015 01:59 pm - Ok, the MR-16 refers to a "style" of bulb. For the last 30 yrs or so they were halogen, usually 35-50W, very bright and ran very hot. Now a days you can get the same style bulb (in terms... (view)
Thu 3 Sep, 2015 10:14 am - Ok, I was able to find out that the bulb is 9W.
I don't understand much about electronics, that is why I have no idea how to read or create a schematic. That is why I've come here for... (view)
Wed 2 Sep, 2015 11:05 am - I don't have the bulb in front of me at the moment, so I will have to post the current info. tomorrow.
"What was in the place before it was re-wired? Resistors are measures in... (view)
Tue 1 Sep, 2015 12:07 pm - I'm re-wiring a lamp, and the input is 120V, then goes to a electronic transformer that drops it to 12V. The bulb is a MR-16 style LED.
A friend showed me how to wire all of it up, but... (view)