Sun 15 Jan, 2017 07:17 pm - Thank you, the feature phone makes more sense. So mobile web could be any type of device that's connecting to Facebook using mobile data? It seems very broad. Would a desktop computer... (view)
Sun 15 Jan, 2017 04:29 pm - When looking at devices under audience insights in Facebook business manager, I'm curious what would fall under the categories of "mobile web" and "feature phone"? These... (view)
Fri 7 Oct, 2016 05:37 pm - Yeah, I was able to add some basic HTML text and a Facebook "like button" iframe in the custom thank you message so got my hopes up, but their customer support said iframes are restricted... (view)
Fri 7 Oct, 2016 01:27 pm - I'd like to add a "follow us on Facebook" button to a custom thank you message. I tried adding iframe code from Facebook for developers but it didn't seem to work. (view)
Wed 5 Oct, 2016 06:09 pm - Thank you for the quick response! I posted a note then hid it from the timeline but then it doesn't show up in my Notes tab anymore. I copied the link and can still see it when opening the... (view)
Wed 5 Oct, 2016 05:17 pm - I'd like to post a public note on my Facebook page that I can share with a link but don't want to post it on my timeline. Is that possible? (view)