I do like the shirt, Walter!
I look quite good in hats but my hair looks terrible after just minutes of being under hat. So I only wear a baseball cap for rollerblading or on vacation when we rent a convertible. So basically, I wear it just to keep my hair out of my eyes.
BigDice has a very nice Stetson that he bought in Denver. It looks very good on him. Of course, he hardly ever wears it around our little German town...
My Grandpa used to wear caps so I always associate them with a different era-- the making ends meet in the Depression era. He looked adorable in them, because he was ancient and was blissfully happy in his dementia.
I used to have a whole collection of hats and caps, including some pretty outrageous ones. Wore them too. Thats quite a while ago tho :-D
I did get myself a cool enough (I think) base.ball-ish cap in London the other month. Caps and hats are still cool ... but not the ones in the picture this thread starts with!
Hmmm, I know this is about men's caps, but I feel the need to remark that I have an a2k baseball cap, an a2k San Francisco 2004 baseball cap from CI, a Chicago baseball cap, an Italia soccer cap in baseball style, a Venice Beach, California baseball cap, and a greenish Mao cap. These all look terrible on me, so I put them on nails on the wall instead.
(am still enjoying the early A.pril fooling.)
And sure, Walter, it's fashionable for men to wear caps..
See these from the Sartorialist blog (I'm addicted to that and the Hel-LOOKS blog...)
Link to the Sartorialist site -
Photos on this site all by the Sartorialist
both of these in Paris -
think this is in NYC...
There are more hats and caps on men and women on this site; I just went back through the photos through the last few days.
Here's one from the first of many pages on Hel-LOOKS -
http://www.hel-looks.com/ (Helsinki)