Wed 21 Mar, 2007 09:34 pm
I keep thinking it's friday.
1st day of Spring though!
(2 more days....)
today feels like wednesday...
All day Wednesday I kept thinking it was Thursday. Now I feel like I am doing Thursday again.
In two and a quarter hours it WILL be Friday here.
Nyah nyah.
So Im guessing its Saturday in upside down land.
Like if Rosie ODonnel ever came to Oz and wanted to hang upside down, would anything happen?
its friday?
wait.. no its not?
I'm watching the news right now and Tony snow is talking.... it feels lke backwards day....
I've been temporally disoriented all week--probably because of the elastic distortion of the equinox.
Noddy, can you tell us more about the elastic distortion (good band name) of the equinox?
My kids teacher told them that on the first day of Spring you can stand an egg on end. They actually did it a few years ago!
pagans. they do such silly things.
so since it was the first day of spring that means winter will only last another 6 weeks or so. Yay!
Kindergarteners don't get it when you tell them it's spring while there's snow on the ground and they can still see their breath.
martybarker wrote:My kids teacher told them that on the first day of Spring you can stand an egg on end. They actually did it a few years ago!
extra credit for hard-boiling and removing the shell...
Sorry, for the "elastic distortion" to work the kids have to have the words in their vocabulary and a propensity to believe in polysyllabics.
Try "Jack Frost doesn't want to move north, yet."