Setanta wrote:Jeff Beck's younger, dumber brother.
You almost had me there for a moment!
No prob, Setanta. Thanks for the info ~ I actually remember who Jeff Beck is now. Duh. Blonde moment. Sorry.
Yardbirds trivia for Set: What were the only known recordings where both Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page played together with the Yardbirds?
Phoenix, That's like a banana...Throw away the skin and the bone and what have you got?
Hiya Phoenix ~ I've been listening to Glenn Beck for almost a year ~ the only thing he and I disagree on is abortion ~ and even then, he still seems at least open to both sides of the argument. He's definitely pro-life. But, I've yet to hear him suggest that his belief is the only way to go.
Appendage: Glenn Beck and I disagree on more than just abortion, but I still appreciate his views and enjoy listening to him.
Beats the bejesus outta me, Cav . . .
I don't listen to any of these guys, but I did catch some of Michael Savage's show on MSNBC a few week before he was canned. OK, OK, I was bored that day.
His diatribe at the time was Hillary's book, which he claimed was only selling well in what he called the Porn Belt. Whereas his book, which he shilled every few minutes throughout the time I watched, sells well in the Corn Belt. He stood up there with a pointer and harrangued me until I clicked him away and left the house for some fresh air...
Rae- Hiya- I feel the same way about him. He is bright and funny, and just acerbic enough for my tastes.
Swimpy- When I strip away the pomposity, the megalomania, and the "over the top" attidude, I often find that I am nodding in agreement with some of the things that he says.
Phoenix ~ I remember Glenn reciting a conversation that he'd had with his Mom after she was admitted to the hospital ~ and on morphine.....I've never laughed so hard in my entire life......