Wed 9 Jul, 2003 08:19 am
The Bush/Blair ego trip or is it the big dipper ? Please sir, stop the world, I wanna get off.
The war in Iraq may well of been started with the best of intentions, but once again that greatest of scientists, Old Father Hind Sight, has shown that all is not what it appeared to be at the start of the ride and in fact have gotten worse
This whole Iraqi war was an ill conceived Cock Up from day 1
For all the initial excitement of an early victory it is still an ongoing Cock Up. The Grim Reaper is still pretty busy. British and American troops are being shot nearly every day
And it will remain a Cock Up for an indefinate future. The arguments and infighting continues. The Iraqis of whatever hue want their country back.
Another case of how can or how will the American & British governments & forces extricate themselves from this quagmire of lies, politics, money & death.
Will we see some massive compromise, greasy palms from over zealous back scratchers, deals on wheels for favorite sons or will we be sucked into a full blown hit and run war against Saddam's acolytes or any other gang that fancies it's chances.
"Some are born stupid, some achieve stupidity, and some have stupidity thrust upon them". Sorry Will.
I don't have as positive a view as you do oak.