Thu 1 Mar, 2007 11:59 pm
I'm sure someone has posted this already, but I don't have time to check, so here it is again. This is the video where the bear is in the tree and the local authorities decided to shoot it with a tranquilizer gun and haul it away. Someone had the bright idea of placing a trampoline beneath the tree to cushion the bear's fall.
Do you see where this is going? Sometimes the stupidity of people is numbing.
check it out
Boston police recently blew up a traffic computer, fearing it to be a terrorist device....
I came home once to find that my ex wife (one of them) had the fire department ar the house getting one of our cats out of a tree. In the real world, this is not a free service. It cost 40.00.
I would ask the police the same thing I asked my ex. "Have you ever seen a cat/bear skeleton in a tree?
People really are dumb.
DrewDad wrote:Boston police recently blew up a traffic computer, fearing it to be a terrorist device....
I can see how they arrived at the conclusion that a traffic computer is a device used to terrorise people.
Ooh the dads are "on" today!
Poor damned bear. This obviously was a case of doing something for some human who was freaked because there was a bear in the tree. All they had to do was be quiet, and wait. Instead, the do things calculated to freak out the poor bear, and assure that he doesn't want to come down out of the tree, then they ramp things up to demonstrate, beyond a doubt, just how stupid they are. Sheesh.
I've been asking around with my cousins to see how he ended up making out.... Ill let you know...
That's got to be one of the silliest things I've ever seen. Who had that bright idea?
Poor bear, though...
I dunno if black bear have the same head/skull structure as polar bear but I saw a doco about polar bear head banging their way through really thick ice (like half a meter or more) to get at a seal.
What a bunch of idiots. That poor bear. He landed on his head!