Yes, as you can see.
However, it is a 'Merican filter, so i can freely write bollocks, wanker, etc. . . .
You can write the C-word too. At least you used to could. Let's see if it works now. ****
Nope. Damn.
well ****
what the ******* hell can i say on this ******* **** ass forum?
OOhh.. lookie there..
you can say ASS
ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass
I think you can still say pussy.
Ah, yes!
pussy ass cock ..
can ya say cock?
But ya can't get away with ****, ****, **** ****, ****, or **** **** **** **** . . .
Adding modifiers like "cheese-smothered," Smegmafied," "swollen," or "dripping," also helps when trying to be a disgusting pig. Creativity is key.
if you are creatin some smegma..
I aint interested..
Looks like us ne-er do-wells can't be satisfied unless we have someone to kick around.
Is smegma anything like nutella? Can you smear it on whole wheat bread, with a bunch of bean sprouts?
Well, you COULD say it's like Nutella... in the way that they have
one thing in common... nuts.
littlek wrote:This thread has 7 pages wihtin 1.5 hors? You all have nothing better to do than sit around on A2K all day?
Your typing confirms where you are!!
Listen up you guys - you're making this thread all about YOU!
Now that's just friggin ignorant.
Ooh, shiney object .... <<running towards the light>>
The definition of smegma cracks me up more than anything:
The cheesey exudate which accumulates under the foreskin of uncircumcized males, and beneath the labia majora.
"Cheesey exudate" . . . AAaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . .
I laugh so hard i almost pee my pants . . .
heeeeeeeeere kitty kitty kitty
littlek wrote:This thread has 7 pages wihtin 1.5 hors? You all have nothing better to do than sit around on A2K all day?
Meanwhile.....5 pages later.
littlek wrote:
Quote:This thread has 7 pages wihtin 1.5 hors? You all have nothing better to do than sit around on A2K all day?
i do , but why should i do real work if i can just goof around here . the pay is just as good on a2k .