beth, thanks so much for posting your photos of Kensington Market; they brought back many happy memories.
Roberta, from "The Junior Encyclopedia of Canada" (as opposed to winging it

"The Canadian Shield is an enormous area of flat, low-lying, rocky hills, forest, and tundra that covers much of Canada. The rocks of the Shield are hard and crystalline, commonly granite and gneiss, often marked with coloured streaks and bands of minerals. Some of these rocks are almost as old as the Earth itself.
...The Canadian Shield occupies 4.6 million square kilometers of Canada. It covers much of Quebec and Ontario, northeastern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and parts of the Northwest Territories. It is shaped like a shield when viewed from above.
...The Shield is far too rocky for agriculture, except in a few areas. However, its southern regions are rich in softwood trees which are the basis of Canada's giant pulp and paper industry. ...
The stark, wild beauty of the Shield is enjoyed by canoeists, photographers, adventurers, fishermen, cottagers, skiers, hunters, and many others. It is the landscape that most people associate with Canada.