4. I had to go early, as my mother is in town and she normally waits up for me. It was on the train that I realized - nimh is *excatly* the kinda guy who you can take to your mother
Yes, yes .....
More, please!
the prince is soooo fickle. I remember a time when he said I was one of his "favorite...."
I tried to meet up with nimh last November, but with some cross-ups, we were never able to meet. Maybe, next time.
Pleased you met, as a nimh fan and a Prince fan.
Got a glimmer from some post of nimh's that got through the nimbus that he (you, nimh) are trying not to post so mucn on a2k. Would that any of us could post much... but some fair part of my being here is to catch your analyses and/or takes on many issues.
Well - I've met the prince, too - so I'm one degree of separation from Nimh!
And, I've met beth...... how'd I miss this thread for 2 days?
I missed it for more than a day too...
I posted something about six degrees, and then something of my sense of brother re nimh, plenty embarassing since I'm a hundred years older, but clicked off before I said the same about Prince. I've spoken less with Prince and don't want to act over familiar, but yeh, I think of you, G, as family to me as well. Whatever, glad to have friends meet.
Now that is a meeting of gentlemen I'd like to drop by on.
Very cool!
Happy valentine's to the both of ya. Hope you have a good one.
I'm so jealous. There'd better be some pictures and SOON!
G., did this happen in London, or Budapest, or someplace else entirely? I was assuming Budapest but then the line about your mom being "in town" threw me. Hopefully nimh's traveling and that's why he hasn't been able to check in (miss him, too!)
Soz, happened in London !!!
5. The waiter was so jealous of me that he refused to laugh at any of my (lame) attempts at jokes.
i met nimh too. AND he spent the night.

does that make me super-cool or what?
dagmaraka wrote:i met nimh too. AND he spent the night.

does that make me super-cool or what?
6. He still bears the scars
Just where has NIMH been anyway, Prince G? Is he locked in your closet?
Dear, the prince doesn't even have a closet...
littlek wrote:And, I've met beth...... how'd I miss this thread for 2 days?
and you have met dys and diane
and I have met them
OH my GOD!!
Im close to great
Okay, I am jealous. I have not met any of you, but there is one I am working on. He is a tough one. I sure would like to meet him though.
If it ever happens I will tell.