Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Sturgis wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Let me make it more A2K friendly.
If you're going down on someone and they fart is it any more or less gross if the fart is dry or wet or does it matter at all and you like it?
It would depend upon the odor that went with it.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:And while you're here, what's your opinion on my Brown/Ford/Hussein question?
Interesting question. Not too shabby a question; but it is sort of strange since you used two entertainers and one politician. Might of helped if they were all from the same line of work.
Because sometimes the odor is absolutely horrific, other times it's almost sensual. Quite similar to the way foot odor sometimes offends and sometimes makes a person giddy.
As to part 2, it is because I said so.