<Christmas morning & I'm up early. It's weirdly cold.
In a couple of hours I'll be heading off to a family get-together in the country. Oh, be merciful, goddess of all things Christmassy! Let this be an "event-&-issue-free" lunch! A new experience!
:wink: >
Thank you folks, for your season's greetings to us, down under!
How very nice of you!
I'm adding lezzles to the list. And Adrian.
And, along with Odd Socks, may I add goodfielder to those who are fondly missed in action. And Moondoggy.
Where are you guys? Should we send out a search party?
Apologies to anyone I've missed. Bet I remember you when I'm on the freeway!
My own personal season's greetings to all Australian A2Kers. We may be small in number, but we pack a punch!
Finally, merry Christmas from me to all you A2Kers, wherever you might be! It's wonderful to know you!