Yes, this winter is kicking my butt. And it hasn't even been that bad for here: lots of warm days, next day it is freezing cold.
If you want to complain about the weather, come on over to Winnipeg. There's always a place for you here if you do.
I think it is the combination for me of working nights plus evenings and also feeling more than usually in favour of Big Changes that is making me not enjoy this winter so much.
All I usually see of the sun and activity is the brief break of day, and the hours I pry my tired eyes open to get sun and see people. Otherwise, I'd be down for the count! It's a trade: I'm tired, but if I don't get some awake sun time: I'll be wanting to retire from life.
I never realized until this year how damn cold it gets here. I commented "Wow. Manitoba is FLAT. "
It is. Though I love going out snowmobiling and skiing and for coffee jaunts and all that....
I am truly tired of looking at prairie. It's time to head somewhere without haybales.