Thanks thanks thanks thanks everyone!
Missed ya there dlowan before -- thanks to you as well.
Farmerman, yeah, I had the same "uh you better have a KILLER recipe" reaction when I got the "bake sale" recommendation. The gal was really pushing it. "I have this GREAT idea -- ILY ["I love you" asl handshape] cookies!!" This is fine, but it is indeed chump change. The way I explained it to her is that I have a very limited amount of time available to work on this stuff. I'm looking to get the maximum $$ return on every hour I spend. I'm filling out an application for a Target grant now -- will take me about 5 hours start to finish (locating, filling out, sending, etc.), and stand to get $1,000 to $5,000. A bake sale would take 10 to 20 hours to coordinate and run, and would make $500 if we're lucky. So a $200-$1,000/hr return vs. a $25-$50/ hr return.
I'm trying to do the high-end stuff. $1,000 - $25,000 individual/ corporate donations.
Unfortunately, Ms. 25% is the president.

Have to go with that one. I have asked to have a meeting with her to go over things and be more coordinated. She has been doing a lot of scattershot stuff that may work or may make my job (and by extension hers) much harder.
quinn, the summary is what got this mess started. I did one, as brief slash thorough as I could, and that just seemed to open the floodgates. And Farmerman, I have a pretty detailed plan of action that I sent to everyone, but that doesn't mean anyone READ it.
*stew stew simmer simmer*
I'm liking dlowan's either/ or tack right now.
Farmerman, tell me more about the Charitable Institutions Act thing. We have a lawyer on the board who brings up stuff like that, usually, and he hasn't said anything yet...?
Craven, if it's really just a few minutes of your time, I'd LOVE that. They have a domain name set up already and everything so that could be a little complicated, but I would love to be able to have some workable version ready, point them to it, and say "see, this is what we could do. It's really not hard." I've worked with the tech guy we're using before and he's smart 'n' all but endlessly puts things off. That's especially a problem for keeping things current, if he's the only one who can do it.
BPB and dlowan (sorry I'm all over the place, writing fast), yeah, I'm getting scareder and scareder of committees. I thought it would be a good way to keep a foot in my profession while I'm a SAHM, but they are just so incredibly frustrating. I've quit 6 already, 5 at one swell foop, and would like to hold on to this one. I DO like a challenge, and I DO like proving doubters not just a little bit but very very very wrong.