Mon 6 Nov, 2006 07:45 pm
... something that I haven't done in a very long time, probably since I was 20 or even younger. I had forgotten how much I like doing them and how relaxing it is.
What is something that you rediscovered recently? What types of things did you forget you enjoyed?
I've been wanting to make one of those potholders that's done on a loom when you're a kid. I have no idea why.
What is the puzzle of, FreeDuck?
I'm counting on incontinence reminding of my baby hood...
I've been known to indulge in grown-up coloring books. Concentrating on staying within the lines can be very soothing.
Unfortunately about six years ago, the publishers switched to cheaper paper and the magic markers bleed through. Now I have to decide whether to invest my time on the recto picture or the verso picture.
I do crossword puzzles, Sudoku, too. Drives the SO insane. Keeps me sane, though. that's what counts.
I have a firm conviction that when one is concentrating on a puzzle, emotional problems are shoved to the back burner where some of the anguish bubbles away.
Early Sunday morning.
I'm up but the rest of the household is still sleeping.
Get a pot o' java going.
Toast a bagel or somesuch.
Get the Sunday Globe from the porch.
Open up to the crossword.
Sip a little joe, munch a little bagel, do a little solving.
Repeat till no more to drink, eat, or solve.
Best time of the week.
Not long ago I went out and bought a box of Cap'n Crunch cereal remembering how much I liked it as a kid. I threw most of the box away. That suff sucks!
Joahaeyo wrote:What is the puzzle of, FreeDuck?
It was some painting of a tea shop. I picked it up while shopping for a birthday gift for one of the duckie's friends. I really enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
There's something about being able to focus on a singular task. I have to be focused at work all the time, but with many things hanging in the background and many tasks to be juggled at once. It was almost as good as reading a book.
NickFun wrote:Not long ago I went out and bought a box of Cap'n Crunch cereal remembering how much I liked it as a kid. I threw most of the box away. That suff sucks!
That stuff slices the roof of your mouth like a big bowlful of jagged pieces of glass. I didn't care about that when I was a kid, though. Ate through the pain.
We do jigsaw puzzles throughout the winter, usually starting right after Christmas. It's too cold in January to spend time outside and the holiday rushing around is over so we haul out the puzzles and keep at 'em until around March.