Thu 19 Oct, 2006 07:44 am
to All the A2k Friends!
You'll have to excuse my igorance. I never heard of this before. Perhaps you can tell us all a little about this.
HAPPY DIWALI to you too vinsan.
Diwali Festival to Hindus (Indians) is What Christmas is to Christians
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It is also the next festival after Christmas that has largest business \ sales turnover across the world. Gold sales are observed to be highest around the world during this festival.
Thanks for the reminder, vinsan.
I live about a five minute drive from one of Toronto's East Indian neighbourhoods - I'll have to head down to the bakeries to pick up some seasonal treats. Diwali is one of the best festivals around - the streets will be festooned with lights.
Ah yes I have heard of the Fesival of light although not its history/beginnings.
I know very little of indian culture except of course that they are buggers to beat on a spinning wicket.
Thank you vinsan for enlightening me.
Thanks to vinsan's reminder, I'm going to look at this for tomorrow night with some out of town friends