Here y'go, one desktop background that I've had on my computer screen for a while, going spare because I just fancied a change.
Taken whilst standing on the bridge which straddles the Grand Union Canal near my home, it works a treat for those who like thier icons positioned down each side. Nice and dark there, which makes them stand out more.
With all the wonderful artists (photos of their own work would be great) and weird whackos that frequent A2K, I'm sure that we could make a nice little collection here, so that when we fancy a change, we can just simply come in here and say "I know, I'll have the one with the pornographic midgets, that Slappy provided".
That way, when you log on each morning, the first thing that you think of is Slappy's happy, smiling face.
Mine? I would recommend that females of the excitable variety take that for a while, especially those of you who are thinking of starting out on the road to carnival knowledge.
So....what wonders do we have lurking out there?