Fri 7 Jul, 2006 07:46 am
Shewolf's birthday is Saturday. RSVP if you plan to attend the crazy, wild party.
(I'll save my greetings for the big day!)
Happy early birthday, wolfie!
Shewolf is turning forty isn't she?
She still looks hot as hell.
So do you Gus. Who can resist a guy with a pitchfork?
For her actual birthday, I am going to tell the wolf lady the REAL meaning of "Indian Giver" .
Well, BBB. It doesn't actually mean giving something and then taking it back. Incidentally, it was nice of you to start this thread.
how sweet.
Thank you
Happy birthday to ME!
I have ALMOST completed my 30 to 30 list..
I am actually contemplating a small stud for my nose.
Maybe a small gold ball.. sort of like the women from south america and India do.
Happy birthday, Shewolf. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and through the coming year!
have a happy birthday, eh.
It's 2.20am Saturday, here in U.K.
Have a lovely day!
technically , in UK, im 30....
right now..
...and you're looking good shewolf!
Your ose is still wet and cold...
(you are the same age as my daughter, but don't tell anyone, besides, I was only 12 when I had her)
Happy Australian birthday shewolfnm as it is now well into saturday here.
Happy Brithday. Your thirty-first year will be much easier than this last year was.
Hold your dominion.
Happy Birthday, wolf lady. Now for the explanation of Indian Giver. When Grant was president, the men who were in charge of Indian Affairs, embezzled the money allotted for the Indians on the reservation. They were supposed to give clean, warm blankets to all, and instead gave them moth eaten and raggedy cast aways. So when one talks about being an Indian Giver, they mean people who give trash instead of what should be given. Last year when I relinquished my title as resident witch, I did it in good faith and NOT as an Indian giver.
Big hugs, resident witch, and I predict that things will look up for you, honey.
I cried when I was thirty, I wasn't married, sob. I'm not sure it was the exact day I was thirty, maybe the one before or after as the exact day had party stuff happening, but one of those days I wimpered hours away because I wasn't married yet, and one specific person was not marrying me. With good reason, it turned out, though I didn't understand.
I get sort of bemused here on a2k when I read new threads with someone freaking because all her friends are coupled or married, at, say, 22. Even I thought women of 26 who weren't married were somehow sad. Well, when I thought that was in '63. I got over it. Life is longer, more complex, richer, more frustrating, more depressing, more in your face than some of us have the savvy to understand, early on. though I think you do.
My dear Wolfie, you have become quite a woman at thirty. Enjoy it, revel in it, ok, suffer in it as it happens, but grow in it.
Much love,