Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:08 pm
This secret was harvested from the Wildclicker Thread.
This woman is widely known on A2K.
Happy Birthday, Ehbeth.
Hold your dominion.
... & here's the proud father's account of the birth day.

hamburger wrote:...let's see it was june 19 , there was a terrific thunderstorm coming up ;
mrs h and i were watching a baseball game down at the ballfield ;
"i've left the windows open " , mrs h said - so home we rushed .
a few hours later the bundle of joy arrived .
so we've been joking ever since "that she blew in like a thunderstorm " .
Happy Wiser Year, Ehbeth!
I didn't think it possible.
Not such a secret - the word is out!
Happy birthday, ehBeth (again)......!
And many more!
Provided by
Quote:While it's always been just about impossible to keep you from expressing yourself, you've probably been a bit quieter over the past year. Perhaps you've even felt downright hesitant to say what you're thinking -- especially if you're not absolutely sure of the potential repercussions of your words. That's not a bad thing; it's the wisdom of experience and age, and the universe will be tossing a bit more of it your way throughout 2006. If your friends continue to scratch their heads and ask what's wrong, reassure them with the very thing they've come to expect from you: interesting, chatty evenings over at your place, complete with the whole gang. You may be thinking more seriously lately, but that doesn't mean you can't indulge in some fun! ...
From an admirer.
I always suspected you might be a Gemini, Bethie.
A very happy natal day to you!
Hey, hey, a very happy birthday to you...
Thanks kids, it's been an interesting year, and the upcoming one has potential to be the same.
(isn't that some kind of curse? living in interesting times. Well, it's definitely interesting)
That horoscope is surprisingly on. Mulling. I think we need the Prince to come to town - good excuse to Paaaaaaaaarrrrrrtaaaaaaaaaaayyy!
ooh, more birthday treats!
thanks, friends
Mikey! where have you been? travelling?
Happy Birthday, Girl... Interesting beats the alternative.
Cheers !
Well! Happy B'Day,
You just got even sweeter!
I bought you a very nice Tampax and Decker post hole digger/fingernail dryer for your birthday!
(But I loved it so much I kept it for myself. Please feel free to drop by and use it.)
Happy birthday!