Fri 16 Jun, 2006 03:34 pm
We have a caravan going to brekkies this morning The lady Di in her car followed by the lady Osso and bringing up the rear is the Dys in his truck. We are heading down Ladera past the golf course on a 4 lane street with a wide median when the lay Di stops her car dead in the middle of the street. I see nothing, the lady Osso sees nothing but the lady Di isn't budging. about 20 sceonds go by and I see up the road 3 baby Quail followed by moma and popa quail doing the herding across the wide and busy street. I assume they remain in the weeds around the St Josephs church eating tasty bugs.
Dys, I think it is really sweet how much you and your wife obviously love each other. May gods grant you both a long healthy life of togetherness.
Quail is tasty, but if ya run 'em over, they ain't cookable no more, an' if ya shoot 'em, it just ain't worth it cause of the bird shot in 'em . . .
I thought Diane's car had died, as mine had last week about a block west of there. None of the people behind us all honked or seemed to shake fists...
Those quail were cuties. I'd not seen that variety before.
(I'm home after unloading car after my Lowe's buying fest. Got a new fake butcherblock cart and another ceiling fan and some bags of planting mix. No room to pick up the Pacco. Watch out, I'll be over soon..)
gambrel quail (souttwestern)
dyslexia wrote:Green Witch wrote:Dys, I think it is really sweet how much you and your wife obviously love each other. May gods grant you both a long healthy life of togetherness.
We live in sin you know.
I've lived in sin with a string of men. Didn't do me no harm.
I do that! Good for Diane....... Why were you each in your own car?
littlek wrote:I do that! Good for Diane....... Why were you each in your own car?
We were going to brekkies and then each of us off in different directions.
littlek wrote:
Why were you each in your own car?
that's the secret of their success, seperate vehicles, more relationships would flourish if people took this advice
I wonder if those were the same grey quails that lounged in my front yard a couple of weeks ago? Haven't seen them since. Must be in a snit because I got rid of a lot of weeds.
dys and di make me want to be a sinner.
"...I assume they remain in the weeds around the St Josephs church eating tasty bugs. ..."
were those quail possible going to confession to be forgiven their sins ?
hamburger wrote:"...I assume they remain in the weeds around the St Josephs church eating tasty bugs. ..."
were those quail possible going to confession to be forgiven their sins ?
![Very Happy](
hamburger, how do you know about St. Joseph's church between Ladera and Coors?
bbb wrote :
"hamburger, how do you know about St. Joseph's church between Ladera and Coors? "
i don't , but having learned a bit about dys , i'm sure he loves going to confession - don't they still let you have communion wine ?.
hamburger wrote:bbb wrote :
"hamburger, how do you know about St. Joseph's church between Ladera and Coors? "
i don't , but having learned a bit about dys , i'm sure he loves going to confession - don't they still let you have communion wine ?.
I'm beginning to think that an atheist's preferred drink is ice tea. I know I drink a lot - decaffinated. Of course, I then have to pee a lot.
Hi, BBB..
Dys mentioned St. Joseph's in the beginning post.