Fri 2 Jun, 2006 09:04 am
Number one, comb your hair before coming in here.
Number two, didn't you get the memo? It's Stripes on Fridays.
Number three, good work mostly, but try to actually cover your mouth.
Okay. Overs. Let's try it again.
Joe(try to do a simple illustration... .)Nation
I'm going for the bedhead look.
Did you draw that?
I particularly like the eyebrows on the last one.
Nope. No time to draw with all this sneezing.
Ah. Sick, are ya? Or allergies?
Maybe the one on the right is allergic to humans . . .
sozobe wrote:Ah. Sick, are ya? Or allergies?
allergies... I've kept them at bay so far this spring but today they caught up with a vengance.
Your great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather came over the border in a UFO.
Aliens are among us!
Actually I think he was German... which is close enough.
German? He landed in Milwaukee and started brewing and breeding?
Nope. I am merely a permanent tourist in Milwaukee. I call Illinois home. Which means he landed and started growing corn... and children.
Do you have to ask your druggist for Sudafed over-the-counter because you just might be a Man who Makes Meth?
Noddy24 wrote:jp--
Do you have to ask your druggist for Sudafed over-the-counter because you just might be a Man who Makes Meth?
If I were to buy sudafed I have to ask my druggist, slit my wrist, sign my name in blood and pinky swear that I am not making meth... but I use benadryl which you can still buy anytime any amount of. My happy pink pill.
set : did you notice , the rat on the right is giving you the eye !
actually looks like a very human expression , i'd say ; sort of half-bored by the world ?
I thought it was a great photo, Hbg, with one eye open and the other almost closed, and the nose curled up, he looks to me like he's just ready to sneeze . . .
set :
here is a "german google rat" to keep your rats in happy company .
the caption reads :
"Kann man in ein solches Gesicht schauen
und sagen du bist ekelig?
Nein! "
(can you look into this face and say you are ugly? no!")
They fought the dogs, and killed the cats,
And bit the babies in the cradles,
And ate the cheeses out of the vats,
And licked the soup from the cook's own ladles,
Split open the kegs of salted sprats,
Made nests inside men's Sunday hats,
And even spoiled the women's chats,
By drowning their speaking
With shrieking and squeaking
In fifty different sharps and flats.
I like meeses and rattens very much...and they are not in the least ugly...well, the rasttens DO have a bit of a tail problem....
Sneeze City here, the cottonwoods, y'know...