talk72000 wrote:The Mughals, or Moguls, were descendants of Genghis Khan. They also brought about the ancient world's wonder of Taj Mahal. I believe that curry was invented by Noor Jehan. India has benefitted from the Muslims in ways such as beautiful music and songs. Akbar the Great did unify the country as well. Maybe Aurenzeb is the culprit in bringing religious strife. Naturally, Islam and Hinduism are incompatible so there is bound to be a lot strife and and anger.
bollocks !!
babur was related to both chengiz khan and timur lane.
taj mahal was build on the base/foundation of a hindu temple.
"curry invented by noor jahan"... was invented by you.
india beniffited from the muslims in the way jews benifitted from nazis.
the entire gamut of indian classical music is of hindu construct and derives from traditional indian folk music, stretching back to over a couple of thousand years before the birth of i-slam.
akbar was a mass murderer extraordinary. he didnt unify the country, he brought almost the whole country under his cut throat camel jockey rule.
aurangzeb is to muslim rulers in india, what Eichmann was to nazis. a murderer of a degree higher than the rest.
but yes.... hinduism is an indivividualistic/pagan religion whilest islam is a camel jockey death cult. they come from opposite ends of the religious spectrum, in that islam is the most rigidass religion amongst religions that have a founder (zorastrianism, judaism, chriatianity, sikhism etc) while hinduism is the free-est religion amongst all "bell curve" religions, loosely encompassing so many different beliefs and practices that it cant be defined.
next time get ur facts right.