Looking back, I am now quite ashamed that I started this thread. It was a cold hearted thing to do, and never for one minute thought that other A2K members could be as cruel as I have been.
I was wrong, and I apologise.
I now realise that this thread has only made Montana's life that little bit unhappier. I can imagine her at some ungodly hour, curlers in hair, cigarette in one hand and coffee in the other, approaching her computer full of trepidation as to what she might find on this thread.
She knows that she could easily walk away and look out of the window at the beautiful flowers in her garden, but she is hooked.
Hooked on A2K, as we all are, and there's nothing she can do about it.
Still, a little voice inside her tired, sea scented body screams "Don't open that lobster thread"....... as she logs in.
She tries to concentrate on other areas of the board, which she knows can offer positive encouragement and uplifting ideas. Yet, as her hand moves the cursor down the "at a glance" list......THERE IT IS.......that BLOODY THREAD!
Hoping that for once, some kind soul has posted something nice and positive, she closes her eyes, turns her head away and clicks the mouse.
What seems like a lifetime later, she plucks up the courage to turn her head, her cigarette ash now down to the tip, her hand shaking.
At first she can't believe her eyes.....no lobster!
This disbelief is soon replaced with a feeling of wonder....and something else.....something that she always feels when HE is around. She has never confessed this to her A2K friends, and never will, but every time HE is around, she feels.......feels..............strangely aroused.
Yet today's feeling came just that little bit quicker.....and more intense.
Her heart thumps as she quickly searches for her spectacles, ash spilling onto the carpet. Gripping the cigarette butt between her teeth, she pries open the glasses case and quickly removes her bifocals, puts them on and runs back to her screen.
"YES, that's better"....she thinks, thankful that her eyes were not playing tricks. "But why? Why has he done this? Does he secretly know how I yearn? Or is it guilt? Has he realised that this thread has made me unhappy, even though the sexual charge I receive when he is around has made it all worthwhile."
Then it dawns on her.....maybe...just maybe.....it is simply because he wants to cheer her up.......that he has posted an ............
She breathes heavily for a while, and then runs for the secret locked drawer, praying that the batteries have enough life.