I did it! What nonsense have you done that you're proud of?

Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 06:00 pm
Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed

Ok, I am embarrassed, but I did it!!!!!


I sort of don't DO computer games (except my lovely flight simulator which my computer is too wussy and under endowed to run, so I can't do that until it is time to get another computer......dammit....but I digress....)

But...(you knew there was gonna be a but, didn't you?)...I have been ensnared by this dumb game called Luxor.

It is all dressed up in Egyptian kitsch, and has pretty balls which make a satisfyingly loud rolling noise, which you have to make disappear by shooting them with same coloured balls, before they disappear into a pyramid. As you get up the Luxor tree, the balls get more dramatic in colour.....I have reached where you get some gold ones, and am hanging out for the black. It is all accompanied by very dramatic, portentous music...and there are weird noises as well when you hit a lot of balls.

Quite why a pyramid wishes to swallow balls is beyond me.

Anyhoo, I have been stymied by the devilish Level 8, part 4, for some time.

And, each time part 4 defeats you, you are bounced right back to the beginning of Level 8, and have to do the three boring bits to have a go at part 4 again.

Look, I am not proud, but the damn thing has obsessed me. I had to beat it.

I DID!!!

Such a sense of accomplishment over a dumb game. You'd think I cured AIDS and ended global poverty.

What IS this weird joy?

And what dumb stuff have you been able to do which gave you far more pleasure than it rationally ought to?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 2,175 • Replies: 63
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 06:52 pm
I got a hole in one at Rancho Park Golf Course. (used to be site of big championship, forget the name of it).
It was only the pitch and putt course, not the main one, and I missed the ball entirely the first time.

I bowled a near perfect game, except for the very last.. when I wrenched my thumb. Still, a great score, though I forget what it was, something like 270.
It was a brand new bowling alley, they probably needed to fix that lane...

Can't think of anything else quickly. Those are total quirks for a non-athletic person, but fun, for other reasons than the quasi-accomplishment, to remember, re the people I was with, now mostly long gone.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 06:54 pm
Good thread, Deb! Very Happy

I will return later. (Gotta think about this, too! :wink: )
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:04 pm
So...I amn't mad?

I don't care where you got a hole in one, Osso...it is a goddamn hole in bloody one!!!

Why all the self deprecation?
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:07 pm
dlowan wrote:
So...I amn't mad?

Absolutely not!

I have no idea why you are even considering such a notion, Deb!
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:11 pm
Osso bowled a 270 and had a hole-in-one on the golf course!?

I believe we are witnessing the reincarnation of Babe Dickerson.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:14 pm
dlowan wrote:
..I have been ensnared by this dumb game called Luxor.

That game is quite popular in mental institutions. The inmates all sit around with drool running down their faces and their eyes glazed over as they roll balls at a pyramid.

It seems to keep them happy.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:18 pm
Well, hey, either of those would have gotten a very fat asterisk on any record book.

Actually I revel in the flashes of ok aim... I was also really great in tennis for one day, the day I borrowed another student's particular tennis racket when I didn't have mine. I forget the name, but it was one of the last wood rackets. I could do no wrong, and that was the last time for that.

And I hit the edge of the bull's eye the one time I tried archery, and I mean one time, here's how you do it, you try it. Ok, time for barbque...

I am fairly clumsy now, something to do with my eyes being diff from each other, I think (one md said something like other people would be throwing up if they had your eyes). I never thought of myself as clumsy, just not one of the most athletic in a time when girls weren't directed to athletics. But my cousin has made her clumsiness part of her diagnosis, and she ain't any clumsier than me, dadgummit.

Oh, and on games, I haven't gone there yet, too damn dangerous for Ms. Addict. I have done the NYTimes Sunday in ink, completely, once. And near complete a bunch of times. Can't compete with people like Roberta though.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:19 pm
I consider you a legendary figure, osso.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:24 pm
And you, Gus, are a legend to me....
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:25 pm
Hey, we're going to get sore arms from patting each other on the back.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:27 pm
Hmmm, I have a photo of my father and I and my cousin and her dad golfing at Rancho P & P in what was probably 1956. Well, I'll scan it one of these days when I get unpacked. (I have a major accumulation of photo stuff).
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:27 pm
diner dash

it was an addiction of mine for almost a month.

silly worthless game >sigh<

i wish i never finished it, because now I have nothing to play..

must go find luxor
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:28 pm
I know less about you by far than you do about me, dearGus.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:28 pm
I have just noticed that dlowan and osso are both labeled as "guru in training."

Has anyone on this site achieved the status of "guru"?

Or is such a feat unattainable?
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:34 pm
Dlowan will reach that territory before any of us, and well she should. Her posts have substance, speaking generally of course, which makes it even more amazing.

OK, that's the last patonback for a bit.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:35 pm
<are there any tofu games?>
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:50 pm
There is a game Craven De Kere plays with the hamsters on this site. The game keeps them amused and they are willing to accept the tofu as payment, rather than being paid in cash. Craven is happy with that arrangement...

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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:52 pm
That looks suspiciously like cheese.
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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 07:54 pm
And look how conscientious Craven is about his fingernails, yet he lets his thumbnail go to hell.
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