Oh, and I also have kind of a man crush on Ellpus. That's not gay, is it?
Perhaps I can help you answer that question since I am, afterall, learning about this very issue.
It would seem that people have a factor of between 0 and 6 when it comes to these feelings. It's not entirely known when and even if these feelings may someday arise.
It just might take that certain person to bring them to surface. But, I didn't actually think of Lord Ellpus doing it for you though............... :wink:
wow... speechless twice in one night.
Yur batting a thousand echi!
Oh, no, Momma... I don't buy into all that Kinsey crap. There's straight... and then there's gay. If you're anywhere in between those two, well, then you're gay.
Look, I am trying to get this stuff straight and that is NOT helping! I am just getting this stuff straight in my head (no pun intended) and now you tell me that if you are inbetween the 0 and 6 you are gay? I have to ask sozobe about that. I think you are telling me a fib. :wink:
echi wrote:Oh, and I also have kind of a man crush on Ellpus. That's not gay, is it?
Sorry echi, but I am a man's man who is totally straight. I am also married, and if your crush on me ever came to light, my husband would go through the roof.
I don't think I have ever told a "fib". I lie, sometimes. But I am not lying, now... Just giving you my take on things, with a little humor added, so as to make my life a little less hellish. (see? humor)
Oh my god... I can't believe he responded! I'm going "through the roof", right now.
Just playing, huh, Momma? I know that. You know how? Because that's the only thing girls ever do with me... play.
(It's getting ooooold, ladies.)
LOL. You poor little dear. Whatever can Momma Angel do to make it up to you? All those mean ole girls just playing with you? No fun being a boy toy? Hmmmmm. Ladies, I think echi needs some loving.
echi wrote:Just playing, huh, Momma? I know that. You know how? Because that's the only thing girls ever do with me... play.
(It's getting ooooold, ladies.)
awwww echi... I feel you're pain...
Dang it, echi! I am trying to get you some loving here and now what? Oh wait, is that the "I am showing the bad boy attitude I know women like" face?
<<<<<<pssst, echi, I think it's working. :wink: >>>>>>