That's Kicky? Lower East Side maybe Houston Street area ITALIAN!!! Momma Mia - Go for it Momma.
the guy in the bunny ears was Kicky
<right state, wrong city, seaglass>
Why did Green Witch label me as "brooding"? I can deal with the wrinkled part, but that brooding stuff is no good.
Brooding. Ha. I can't believe she said that. Brooding. I never frigging brood. Brooding. That bitch. I will get her for this.
momma and kicky sittin in a tree
k i s s i n g
who does your husband have a crush on?
Hang on just a minute. We just realized Momma said her hubby has a cruch on someone.....who!>!>!
I believe Momma and Kicky should have a child, an A2K child, and we will have a contest to see who comes up with the best name.
Momma's husband has a crush on Slappy.
(she told me that in confidence, so don't spread it around)
Mocky Cangel has a very nice ring to it.
WAS Kicky????
Don't tell me Gus has him down in the celler with Merry Andrew and Piffka.
Oh, I got it "Dawn over Marblehead" Gus does transplants. He's going to send Piffka back as a lampshade with Heeven feathers and he's going to send Merry back as 007 (Sean Connery).
Could you repeat that, seaglass?
Since I was the first to post Kicky, I want to be the flower girl at the wedding.