You been there for dinner gus? I was wondering why he didn't just unplug it until they started implying gas... Maybe what he's smelling is the effects of one too many beers last night... :wink: Silent but deadly... LOL
Kicky seems to be a fairly intelligent guy, but, like my neighbor, he lacks common sense and his handyman skills are negligible at best.
My neighbor once installed bicycle fishhook hangars between the tracks of his overhead garage door.
I could see Kicky doing that.
LOL now THAT'S funny! Well, unfortunately I'm just the opposite. I can build anything, fix anything, do just about all the stuff the "man" is supposedly inclined to do. I can even change my own oil. I can diagnose the problems in my car... sheesh... I'm very well rounded mechanically speaking. However when it comes to cooking... Well... lol let's just not go there.
Bicycle fish hook hangers?
Look, if you're gonna get all techy here, I'm leaving.
I'm still reeling from pipe line, isn't that something in Alaska?
Chumley, would all this stuff be on the back part of the stove or something? Like, you'd have to pull it away from the wall to find all this?
Stoves are heavy! I'm just glad mine has all its knobs where they're supposed to be.
If I can only figure out how this timer thingie works....
I could help you with that chai! I can do timers at least!
Oven stove knob........................ $1.99
MetroCard Use ...........................$2.00
Ability to reheat order in Lasagna...............$22, 330.18
Plus Burn Unit Rehab fees