Mon 28 Apr, 2003 11:32 am
This morning I went for a minor medical procedure. It involved some IV anaesthesia, & I was told to take my jewelry off.
I did not want to take off my engagement and wedding rings though, so the nurse said that she would wrap some tape around it.
I have been in the hospital for operations a number of times in my lifetime, and I thought that the nurse taped your rings for two reasons:
The jewelry might get lost during the operation.
The patient could claim that someone took his jewelry during the time when he was on the anaesthesia.
Sounds reasonable- I have taken this "fact" for granted for years.
The nurse explained that if you are in a room where they are using electrical equipment, they don't want any metal on the patient that could cause burns by arcing of the equipment from the metal.
You learn something new every day. Has there been anything that YOU have taken for granted, that you subsequently found was false?
My IQ. Thought it was in the upper 100s, but found out it's single digits. Go figure.
I just found out this week I'm supposed to pee standing up.
so until you get the hang of it, i guess we'll call you Sloppy doo hoo.
I was embarrassed in College to learn that a 'Chest of Drawers' was not a 'Chester Drawers.'
Damnyankee is actually two words.
OH, and somewhere around age 14 I began to get the idea that bed and board weren't necessairly the same thing.
Could never understand why I couldn't have my cake and eat it. Why have it at all if I can't eat it, I always wondered. Eventually it dawned on me that the expression concerns simultaneous eating and possession. Or something like that. I guess I'm still confused about this...
Hmm....two things, recently discovered that I am NOT the center of the universe, despite what I thought was popular opinion

, that, and realizing that CCR were NOT actually singing "There's a bathroom on the right..."
I thought "triumph" was pronounced "trimf" for the longest time...
Once when I was very young, my mother kiddingly mispronounced a word. For years I thought that the word fragile was pronounced, FRAYgul!
A French foreign exchange student who stayed with my extended family had prepared a strange greeting for his temporary new family when they met him at the airport. He went up to them and said, "Hi! I am unique!"
Only he pronounced it "Eunuch..."
He was a funny guy. Lives in a van with his climbing gear now, but funny nonetheless.
You mean, he lives in a van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!
I just found out women can have orgasms, too. I'm not telling my wife.
Believe me, BB: she knows. She knows so well I threw my back out.
This happens to me often, but I have a terrible memory too, so I can't remember any of it.
I didn't know that about arcing either, Phoenix.
Can't tell you how disappointed and bothered I was to find out that the expression was not "I got a heart on!"
I had a big box of old Mad magazines when I was a kid, and I'd read through them. There was one with illustrated cliches, and one of them was "pulling a boner." Just a guy dragging a wagon full of skeletons in the picture.
Thing was, I thought "pulling a boner" meant something other than making a stupid mistake, and I kept poring through all the magazines for more dirty jokes...