Thu 9 Feb, 2006 08:59 pm
I will reserve comment on WW3 starting over the cartoons. But I do have to question why the Muslim faith assures everyone of 70 virgins after they die. Is this a good thing? I was with a virgin back in 1985 - for the last time. Most virgins do not enjoy sex the first time. There's screaming, crying, guilt and pain. Then the gal falls in love with you and becomes insanely jealous! So now you've got 70 now-ex-virgins killing each other and calling you all hours of the night and day. And if that ain't enough, you may start off with 70 virgins but after a couple of months you've got 70 nagging bitches - FOR ETERNITY!
Why doesn't the Muslim faith simply tell everyone, "after you die you're going to hell"?
Scary avatar, by the way.
Any one who seriously thinks he can handle 70 (or is it 72?) virgins has a lot to learn about human nature of the female variety.
Maybe the just feel the afterlife has to offer something they never had in their own hell on earth.
So as a good Muslim, I strap a bomb to myself and blow up a kindergarden class of infidels. I get to eternity and there's my 72 virgins. A bunch of fat middle aged republican computer geeks with hairy backs who spend all their time on discussion forums defending george bush.
That's hell ain't it?
Even a bunch of cute ones would be hell. It's all the worse the way you describe.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:So as a good Muslim, I strap a bomb to myself and blow up a kindergarden class of infidels. I get to eternity and there's my 72 virgins. A bunch of fat middle aged republican computer geeks with hairy backs who spend all their time on discussion forums defending george bush.
That's hell ain't it?
After getting over the part where you awarded yourself 2 extra virgins I started wondering a few things...for example as you have pointed out they could all be horrendous in appearance. Then I asked myself if the gender of these virgins has ever been mentioned...perhaps they are all male virgins. Even worse maybe they all look like a combo of Ted Kennedy and Rush Limbaugh (male or female).
(and where's the problem with defending Georgie?)
Not virgins
Back in 2003 Newsweek published an article titled "Challenging the Qur'an" which, as I recall, was banned in some Muslim countries. If Mr. Luxenberg and the other scholars studying this are correct, imagine the surprise (not to mention disappointment) of the homicide-bombers in seeing only a handful of
raisins as their reward.
Quote:Newsweek International, July 28, 2003
In a note of encouragement to his fellow hijackers, September 11 ringleader Muhammad Atta cheered their impending "marriage in Paradise" to the 72 wide-eyed virgins the Qur'an promises to the departed faithful. Palestinian newspapers have been known to describe the death of a suicide bomber as a "wedding to the black-eyed in eternal Paradise." But if a German expert on Middle Eastern languages is correct, these hopes of sexual reward in the afterlife are based on a terrible misunderstanding.Source
Islam doesn't believe in Raisins?
dyslexia wrote:Koran 78:31
Quote:As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards, and high- bosomed virgins for companions: a truly overflowing cup.
keep the virgins but I'll take them high bosomed babes....
So one one side we have 70-72 high bosomed virgins for all eternity.
And on the other, we have bacon, booze,coffee,cigarettes, and perhaps some slightly shop-worn ladies.
I know who I'm down with.
I hear that. I'm a happy man.
Keep them high bosomed virgins away from me! I was with a high bosomed virgin just once and that was once too many!
I have no problem with virgins, high bosomed or otherwise...
Some of my best friends used to be virgins.
But any man who wants 72 of them at once is flat out loony.
I've never knowingly been intricate with a virgin, nor desired such.
Are you sure about that raheel? You mean you don't get ANY virgins?
What happened to raheel's post??? I KNOW he posted right after dys!