Wed 8 Feb, 2006 05:42 pm
In 1909 when established European groups in Omaha (Nebraska) began to believe that new groups of workers from Greece were a threat. Large numbers of Greeks were moving to Omaha in the early part of the century to work in the packing houses and on the railroads. They settled into South Omaha, which was a separate city at that time. Pretty soon, there were stories in the mainline newspapers about how unsavory the Greeks were.
The Omaha Daily News wrote, "Their quarters have been unsanitary; they have insulted women... Herded together in lodging houses and living cheaply, Greeks are a menace to the American laboring man -- just as the Japs, Italians, and other similar laborers are."
In 1909, an Irish South Omaha police officer was killed trying to arrest a Greek man. The Greek was arrested, but a mob formed around the jail. The suspect was almost lynched as police transferred him to an Omaha jail. The papers kept printing sensational stories. Two days later, 1,000 men gathered in South Omaha and stormed "Greek Town," looting shops, burning buildings and beating any Greeks they found. The police and authorities did not respond. In the wake of the riot, almost all of the Greeks living in Omaha moved, either to Iowa or further away.
Wow. Fascinating. It was Greeks then, huh?
I used to work with a Greek guy named Gus...he was an odd sort.
It's hispanic and polish now and far enough south is the airbase
and unless someone jogs the brain I'll remember greet but cannot
Omaha, Nebraska is across the river from Council Bluffs, Iowa--it's not as though they went very far . . .
Johnny Carson was from there.
Setanta wrote:
Omaha, Nebraska is across the river from Council Bluffs, Iowa--it's not as though they went very far . . .
As much as it may shock the likes of you arfles, I know the geography of Omaha in relationship to Iowa. It's more a matter of the mental image of Iowa in comparison to Nebraska which throws me...Nebraska seems hardier to me than Iowa. Don't know why...
Sturgis I sort of felt that way living there. CB was like the ugly stepchild but then SOmaha was seedy.