raymond chan wrote:
well, i...dont know what i can say, what u said was true, u have learnt a lot about my country.
I have learned a lot about your country because I have the freedom to read what I want and our press (papers, radio, Tv) is free to present stories without any government control.
raymond chan wrote:
but u know,China is still a developing country, the problems u pointed out that we are going to slove,it takes a long time.
Most of the problems were made by the Communist government. They suppressed, jailed or killed their intellectual (educated) population and was left with poor peasants and greedy government officials to make all the decisions.
raymond chan wrote:
As to suppress freedom of thought, I can say that every country,more or less,needs it.Just the ways are different.Religion is such an example. Chinese people just believe in the communism as their religion.
Why shouldn't people decide their own religious or political beliefs? Why can't people think for themselves? Are Chinese people so stupid they need government to think for them? Most powerful countries have learned it is better to give people religious freedom, you can believe or you can refuse.
Most people who are at the top of a Communist or Fascist government got there because they bribed people, killed people, or cheated people. Raymond, why are these people qualified to think for you? Your government was not elected by the people who thought they would be good for the country. The people at the top of your government got there because they are greedy for power and were willing to do bad things to other people to get that power. When citizens do not have political freedom good people can be killed or jailed because some government official does not like what he or she said.
raymond chan wrote:
CCP is just like a teacher,teaches us not to go into a wrong direction.
So you think the people who brought you The Cultural Revolution are good for China? Why can other people make their own decisions about right and wrong but Chinese people are not smart enough and need a government to think for them? Why is your government smarter than your people? How do you become a government official is China? Are they the smartest and kindest people? I don't think so. I think the Chinese government is now teaching you that the only thing that matters is MONEY and a western greedy life style.
raymond chan wrote:
However, nobody is perfect,the CCP had done sth wrong in the past time.They are trying their best to prevent from making such faults again,and set up or reform relative policies.
I agree all countries make mistakes and do bad things. There are many things the USA government does that I disagree with and I am politically active. I challenge my government, I speak out, I vote. I read newspapers and hear news reports from many different sources. I do not have to believe my government and I can say so. I am not in fear of my life and I do not think I will be put in jail. I make fun of George Bush and his cronies all the time in public spaces and I do not fear being arrested. I love my country, even when I hate my leader. I have the freedom to do both out loud.
raymond chan wrote:
What's more,u can imagine that,without the CCP,what China will be?Maybe it will be worse than Philippines.
I would like to see a free press in China, I would like to see Chinese people able to protest what they do not like about their government and not fear prison or death. I would like to see free elections and no fascism. I think China should have socialism like there is in western Europe.
I think the Chinese people are some of the most intelligent, hardworking and creative people on earth - and the Communist government does everything to suppress the best things about the Chinese people. I hope in time the Chinese people will defeat their government and they will earn back their individual freedom, as well as their freedom to celebrate their pre-Communist past. I hope instead of adopting the worst things about the west (greed, materialism, pollution for profit, rich robbing from poor) China will adopt the best things: freedom, tolerance and a society that strives to live in peace and equality.