Sun 29 Jan, 2006 10:28 pm
I don't. Never. It's a habit and I don't much care. I could say it keeps my gait steady and regular, but sometimes it makes it very wierd. People look at me like, "Are you trying not to step on the cracks?" and I'm like, "Uh, yeah. So?". I have a problem, and I'll admit it. Those sidewalk cracks get me.
Do you do it?
Meaning no disrespect, but you should probably do a search on the term "obsessive compulsive disorder."
It's not obsessive. I just don't do it. I wouldn't if my life depended on it.
...okay maybe that is OCD....
Just kidding. I'm not gung-ho about it. I really have stepped on many cracks in my day, I was just interested...
I always step on cracks, that's what they are there for., If the makers of sidewalks and sidewalk slabs hadn't wanted us to step on cracks then there wouldn't be any. The same goes for flooring material....sheets or rolls of linoleum have given way to individual 9X9 tiles which offer several crack stomping opportunities. And CD how exactly do you avoid stepping on the cracks in those floors covered with those cute little 1 inch by 1 inch tile squares? and what about this nightmare floor?
So by all means step on 'em.
I also walk under ladders!
Phoenix32890 wrote:I also walk under ladders!
also walk under ladders? Whilst avoiding the pavement cracks I hope.
and encourage black cats to walk in my path...
My son's two cats are both black..................and gorgeous!
But it's supposed to be GOOD luck to OWN a black cat, Phoenix.
I did once.
Can't say it worked, though.
How do you walk on areas like the one Strugis showed?
Of course. I only avoid it when it's regular sidewalk.
I pace when I'm talking on the phone. I frequently walk in patterns...every other square on the carpet, only along the border, every fifth floor board, etc.
Aha! I'm not the only weirdo!
I not only step on the cracks, I STOMP on them, man.
Mommy and I have issues.
cracks shmacks... we don't need no stinking cracks!