Sat 28 Jan, 2006 12:36 pm
....and I'm delighted to be the first from A2K to wish her all the best.
Hold your dominion.
I second you in wishing Montana a very happy birthday!
You can't be first. This is the second birthday thread for her. He he.
Happy Birthday Montana!!
When are we leaving for Tahiti??
Montana is pursuing development of coal-to-liquids technology as a means of converting our significant coal reserves into synthetic gasoline and other fuels.
I think Montana is screwing five drunken sailors as we speak. She is looking at the monitor, and wants to answer, but her current mission is deemed to important and she reaches up and shuts the computer down.
Or not.
Hope 'tis a great year for you!
happy birthday sweet lady. :-)
Enjoy your day.
Awwww shucks, you guys. Thanks so very much.
You are all so sweet :-)
How the hell do you always know what I'm doing?
Have you checked your place for hidden cameras, Montana?
Hope it was a great day, Montana.
It was nothing different from any other day, but it was nice :-)
Thanks :-D
Montana wrote:Eva wrote:Have you checked your place for hidden cameras, Montana?
Hidden cameras

Why the shock? You think Gus wouldn't do it?!
Happy birthday.
May all of your wildest dreams come true.
Damn UPS anyway. I'm lost, stuck in a giant birthday cake, somewhere in the great white north, freezing my nads off.
Gus is actually one of the drunken sailors. Does anyone really know what Gus looks like?
That's true. I can always count on Gus :-)
I got my lottery tickets for tonight, so I'll let you know ;-)
Why do all my good packages get lost in the mail. I'm going to call UPS right now and tell them to find my damn nads!
I asked Gus where he was from once and he told me he was closer than I thought, lol. I wonder if we'll ever know the mysteries of Gus.