Re: Invading Iraq is completly justified using this criteria
Craven de Kere wrote:I can use many criteria to absolutely justify invading Iraq. I have other criteria that, to me, trump the ones that wolud justify it.
I cannot justify this war in any way because I believe killing to be wrong, that bombing and shooting result from the failure not only of diplomacy but of logic, of understanding and of reason; that for perhaps only one good result (the Iraqi people being released from the clutches of a murderous dictator) the many bad ones (the death and maiming of the innocents, the pillaging of the nation's resources--petroleum and historical--, and American hegemony, to name a few) are resulting in a worse set of immediate circumstances (and maybe for the long-term as well) on the way to the 'one good result.'
Not only for Iraq but also for the US of A.
Should generations of future terrorists be conceived as retribution for this action then we can be assured that the blood of our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be spilled for the cause of....what exactly, again?
Regime change? WMD? 'In the name of peace'?
And please tell me once more what is our exit strategy?
We were lied to about our government's intentions on this war. ("I haven't made up my mind..."/"**** Saddam. We're taking him out") We have never been given any moral reasons to start it (the one most Moron-Americans believe, that Saddam was behind 9/11, is another lie convincingly sold). There MOST CERTAINLY has never been presented any coherent plans to end it. And the entire production is in complete contradiction with the administration's stated goals prior to 9/11 about foreign military campaigns, nation-building, being a "humble nation", etc., etc., blahblahblah.
War being wrong for starters, this war is
more wrong for almost every reason I can think of.