Mon 9 Jan, 2006 08:02 pm
Hi . . . i just ate some corn chips . . .
They were excellent . . .
Do you love corn chips?
I do . . .
Dog bless you . . .
I had tacos for lunch...
They were swell.
I had mini corndogs. I know what you're thinking...
The things the public school system will feed we's disgusting.
But, I must say, they were rather tasty, old and crunchy as they were.
The wife and I are on a lose weight kick. As a consequence, we have let the chips dwindle to a quarter bag of Fritos. I grab a couple now and then, wondering who will get the last one. There will be no more for at least a week.
Dog bless you . . .
And yer minicorndogs . . .
May the farce be with you . . .
Wow, this thread is really, really cool.
A mighty hot dog is our lord and we ate him. pass the chips.
i'm eating pringles as we type
natures perfectly formed chemically manufactured snack food
i'll never live to see 50
Dog bless you, Kick . . .
Yes . . . yes it is cool . . . but you gotta bring your own chips . . .
Dys, i been dyssin' ya a lot lately, so you can have some of these chips . . .
Dog bless you . . .
Ahem . . .
hey, mexican food seems to be the theme of the day - I had a burito for dinner. mmmmm
Dog bless you young woman . . .
May your days be full of green salsa and corn chips . . .
Ramen . . .
And dog breath to you too, boss
now that you mention it, i had burritos too, one bean and cheese and one spicy beef, weird
May the Great Celestial Canine breathe upon you, my Candian son, and my his sacred breathe be redolent of refried beans and hot, hot red salsa . . .
Ahem . . .
yesterday it was guac and salsa-flavored (trader joe's) corn chips.
et men!
I am sure that the spririt of John Candy will smile upon you, my wayward daughter . . . may your farts be never so silent, deadly and satisfying . . . i know the Candian force is with thee . . .
Ho Hum
never so satisfying?
i forgot to mention i had some salad with my burritos
lettuce spray
dj, say it, don't spray it.....